• Country: Jordan
  • Date: Oct 2018 - Sep 2023
  • Program Type: Quality of Education and Learning
  • Partner: MIT Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab (MIT J-WEL), Save the Children
The program aims to support the urgent need for Teacher Professional Development (TPD) in an extremely challenging context. It involves teachers, head teachers and government representatives with the program team to develop and refine an iterative process that focuses on two core areas to improve TPD in Jordan. The program also aims to improve teachers’ wellbeing by capitalizing on the partners’ experience to bring compassion and empathy into education-based thinking. Furthermore, the program seeks to improve quality of teaching through a blended learning approach for teacher development, which takes into consideration the wellbeing of children, identification of their competencies and monitoring of their development. This pilot program, which is set to benefit 1,350 teachers and impact 745,000 people in Jordan, will be up-scalable to help millions of children in crisis situations.
Indirect Beneficiaries
Teachers Trained


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