• Country: Malawi
  • Date: Jul 2013 - Aug 2014
  • Program Type: Quality of Education and Learning
  • Partner: Joyce Banda Foundation
Dubai Cares supported the Government of Malawi’s National Education Plan. According to the plan, 84% of children under 5 years of age were targeted to be provided with Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Malawi by the year 2017. The program helped achieve the government’s plan through the development of a stimulating and healthy childcare environment that promoted physical, cognitive and socio-emotional development. The program also focused on inclusive learning that built on children’s strengths and ensured their health and safety. The specific goals of the program were achieved, which included improved facilities for 23 ECD centers in order to provide a better learning environment. The program achieved several milestones including decreasing the size of classes to 100 children per classroom, rehabilitating classrooms and improving classroom facilities and toilet systems. It was successful in strengthening the capacity and performance of teachers through training, continued supervision and coaching and better remuneration schemes.
Direct Beneficiaries
Indirect Beneficiaries
Schools Built/Renovated
Teachers Trained
Latrines Built/Renovated
Schools Impacted
Water Sources


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