• Country: Nicaragua
  • Date: Jun 2018 - May 2021
  • Program Type: Quality of Education and Learning
  • Partner: Teach A Man To Fish
The program which targets the Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region (RACC), the most disadvantaged region in Nicaragua, is set to help 6,300 students in 165 schools gain skills, knowledge, and mindset for decent employment. In addition, the program provides the administration and teaching staff of the schools with the necessary skills and tools for planning and managing a school business. The program is also supporting the Nicaraguan Ministry of Education (MINED) and a number of NGOs to help gender-balanced school teams in planning and setting up profitable school enterprises. Moreover, the program is also developing an efficient Management Information System (MIS) to support participating NGOs in their management of schools partaking in the School Enterprise Challenge.
Direct Beneficiaries
Indirect Beneficiaries
Teachers Trained
Number of Books/Material Distributed
Schools Impacted


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