• Country: Lebanon
  • Date: Jan 2016 - Jan 2019
  • Program Type: Education in Emergencies
  • Partner: International Rescue Committee (IRC)
Through the 3EA program in Lebanon, Dubai Cares is supporting children in acquiring the reading, writing and socioemotional skills they need in order to mitigate the effects of adversity in order to thrive. The program is also generating evidence on the relationship between well-being and academic outcomes and the tools to measure and evaluate such interventions in crisis-affected contexts. The program also tested the added value of integrating training on low-cost and targeted social-emotional learning strategies into the community-based remedial support programming for Syrian children enrolled in Lebanese second shift schools. The remedial support program was delivered through the comprehensive “Learning in Healing Classrooms” (LIHC) teacher professional development program.
The program is working towards improving the literacy, numeracy, and social-emotional outcomes for Syrian refugee children in Akkar and Bekaa by:
• Improving the reading, math and social-emotional outcomes for 4,600 highly vulnerable Syrian refugee children aged 6-16
• Strengthening the capacity of 50 teachers in learning in a healing classroom
• Improving parent engagement in children’s learning and protection
Direct Beneficiaries
Indirect Beneficiaries
Teachers Trained


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